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12 Step

Embracing Step 1: The Foundation of Recovery

Understanding Powerlessness and Unmanageability in Addiction

12 Step

Finding Hope in Step 2: Belief in a Higher Power

Embracing a Power Greater Than Ourselves in the Journey to Recovery

12 Step

Taking the Leap in Step 3: Making a Decision to Turn Our Will Over

The Transformative Power of Surrender in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Facing Ourselves in Step 4: Making a Searching and Fearless Inventory

A Guide to Self-Reflection and Personal Growth in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Opening Up in Step 5: Admitting Our Wrongs to Ourselves and Others

The Healing Power of Honesty and Accountability in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Preparing for Change in Step 6: Becoming Ready to Remove Our Defects

Understanding Our Flaws and Embracing Growth in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Embracing Humility in Step 7: Asking a Higher Power to Remove Our Shortcomings

The Journey of Self-Improvement and Spiritual Growth in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Rebuilding Relationships in Step 8: Making a List of Those We Have Harmed

The Path to Amends and Healing in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Making Amends in Step 9: Healing Relationships and Ourselves

The Courage to Apologize and Reconnect in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Continuous Growth in Step 10: Daily Self-Examination and Making Amends

The Ongoing Journey of Self-Improvement and Integrity in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Seeking Connection in Step 11: Prayer and Meditation for Greater Purpose

The Journey of Spiritual Growth and Mindfulness in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Giving Back in Step 12: Carrying the Message and Practicing the Principles

The Journey of Service, Compassion, and Living the Recovery Principles in All Our Affairs

12 Step

12 Step Misconceptions: Unraveling the Truth

Common mistakes when people talk about 12 step programs

7th Tradition

The Seventh Tradition in 12 Step Programs: Self-Supporting Through Our Own Contributions

Understanding the Meaning and Practice of Financial Independence in Recovery Communities

7th Tradition

What Is the 7th Tradition in 12 Step Programs?

A Closer Look at How It Differs from the Church Collection Plate


Understanding Powerlessness in Addiction

The complex reality of feeling powerless over substances


What is addiction?

Delving into the science, impact, treatment, and misconceptions of addiction


What is a sponsor?

Understanding the role, choice, and importance of a sponsor


Finding a Sponsor: A Creative Guide to Finding (or Changing) that Vital Connection

From the first meeting to saying goodbye, everything you need to know about the sponsor-sponsee relationship.


When can I sponsor somebody else?

Understand when to start sponsoring, when it's inappropriate, how readiness feels, and what to do when you don’t have the answers.


Are you an addict or alcoholic?

21 questions to help you determine if you have a substance use disorder.


You Are Not Alone

My Struggle with Addiction and How I Found the Path to Freedom


The Science Behind 12-Step Programs

Exploring the Psychological and Neurological Benefits


Understanding the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex and Its Connection to 12-Step Programs

How the ventromedial prefrontal cortex is key to goal-setting and personal growth


Spirituality vs Religion in 12-Step Programs

Unraveling the Differences and Their Significance

Higher Power

Understanding the Higher Power in 12-Step Programs

A Flexible Concept to Support Recovery

Higher Power

The 12-Step God Isn't What You Think It Is

Unveiling the True Meaning of the "Higher Power"

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakenings in 12-Step Programs: What They Really Are

Exploring the Multitude of Personal Transformations

Reaching out

How to Ask for Help

A Compassionate Guide to Reaching Out

12 Traditions

Understanding the 12 Traditions in a 12-Step Fellowship

An Overview of the Traditions that Unite Recovery Communities

12 Traditions

The First Tradition

Why Tradition One Serves as the Foundation for Unity and Recovery

12 Traditions

The Second Tradition

The Critical Role of Group Conscience

12 Traditions

The Third Tradition

Why "The Only Requirement" Is a Game Changer

12 Traditions

The Fourth Tradition

The delicate balance of autonomy and unity in recovery groups.

12 Traditions

The Fifth Tradition

Understanding the Core Mission of Any 12-Step Group

12 Traditions

The Sixth Tradition

How the Sixth Tradition Ensures Independence and Clarity in Recovery Groups

12 Traditions

The Seventh Tradition

How Financial Independence Fuels the 12-Step Mission

12 Traditions

The Eighth Tradition

Why the Volunteer Spirit is Crucial in 12-Step Recovery

12 Traditions

The Ninth Tradition

Balancing Structure and Flexibility in 12-Step Groups

12 Traditions

The Tenth Tradition

How 12-Step Groups Maintain Unity by Avoiding Outside Issues

12 Traditions

The Eleventh Tradition

How 12-Step Groups Use Anonymity to Foster Trust and Unity

12 Traditions

The Twelfth Tradition

How Anonymity Serves as the Protective Layer in 12-Step Recovery


How to Make Friends in Recovery: A Guide to Building Meaningful Connections

Finding and Nurturing Friendships While Walking the Road to Recovery


Girl Power in Recovery: Why Making Female Friends Matters

Building a Sisterhood of Support on Your Road to Recovery