Diving into the 12 steps

Taking a slightly closer look at the 12 steps.

Diving into the 12 steps

Taking a slightly closer look at the 12 steps.

12 Step

Embracing Step 1: The Foundation of Recovery

Understanding Powerlessness and Unmanageability in Addiction

12 Step

Finding Hope in Step 2: Belief in a Higher Power

Embracing a Power Greater Than Ourselves in the Journey to Recovery

12 Step

Taking the Leap in Step 3: Making a Decision to Turn Our Will Over

The Transformative Power of Surrender in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Facing Ourselves in Step 4: Making a Searching and Fearless Inventory

A Guide to Self-Reflection and Personal Growth in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Opening Up in Step 5: Admitting Our Wrongs to Ourselves and Others

The Healing Power of Honesty and Accountability in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Preparing for Change in Step 6: Becoming Ready to Remove Our Defects

Understanding Our Flaws and Embracing Growth in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Embracing Humility in Step 7: Asking a Higher Power to Remove Our Shortcomings

The Journey of Self-Improvement and Spiritual Growth in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Rebuilding Relationships in Step 8: Making a List of Those We Have Harmed

The Path to Amends and Healing in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Making Amends in Step 9: Healing Relationships and Ourselves

The Courage to Apologize and Reconnect in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Continuous Growth in Step 10: Daily Self-Examination and Making Amends

The Ongoing Journey of Self-Improvement and Integrity in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Seeking Connection in Step 11: Prayer and Meditation for Greater Purpose

The Journey of Spiritual Growth and Mindfulness in Addiction Recovery

12 Step

Giving Back in Step 12: Carrying the Message and Practicing the Principles

The Journey of Service, Compassion, and Living the Recovery Principles in All Our Affairs

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