Embracing Humility in Step 7: Asking a Higher Power to Remove Our Shortcomings

The Journey of Self-Improvement and Spiritual Growth in Addiction Recovery

Step 7 of the 12-step recovery program is a profound moment of growth and humility. It states: "Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings." This step is about recognizing our limitations, seeking help from a Higher Power, and embracing the journey of self-improvement. It's a process that fosters spiritual connection, personal growth, and healing from addiction.


Engaging with Step 7 is an act of faith, courage, and self-awareness. It's about acknowledging our shortcomings without shame or judgment and asking for assistance in overcoming them. Whether we seek guidance from a spiritual entity, the wisdom of a supportive community, or a personal understanding of a Higher Power, Step 7 in addiction recovery is about finding strength and support beyond ourselves.

The process of humbly asking for the removal of our shortcomings in Step 7 can be deeply transformative. It's a step that encourages us to look inward, reflect on our imperfections, and seek growth and change. By embracing humility and recognizing our need for help, we create a pathway to healing, self-respect, and a more fulfilling life in recovery.

Step 7 in the 12-step program is more than a request for change; it's a commitment to ongoing growth and self-improvement. It's about recognizing that we are works in progress, always capable of learning, evolving, and becoming better versions of ourselves. It's a step that fosters resilience, compassion, and a deeper connection with our true selves.

The journey through Step 7 is both personal and universal. It's a step that resonates with anyone seeking freedom from addiction, offering a guiding hand and a loving embrace. By humbly asking for the removal of our shortcomings, we open ourselves to grace, understanding, and the endless possibilities of a life free from addiction's grip.

Are you ready to embrace growth and take the next step on your path to recovery?

Step 7 in the 12-step recovery process is a vital stage in building a life of integrity, humility, and fulfillment. By asking a Higher Power to remove our shortcomings, we open the door to personal growth, spiritual connection, and healing. It's a step that invites us to face ourselves with honesty and grace, guiding us towards a future filled with hope, potential, and wholeness.

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Preparing for Change in Step 6: Becoming Ready to Remove Our Defects

Understanding Our Flaws and Embracing Growth in Addiction Recovery

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Rebuilding Relationships in Step 8: Making a List of Those We Have Harmed

The Path to Amends and Healing in Addiction Recovery

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