The Eleventh Tradition

How 12-Step Groups Use Anonymity to Foster Trust and Unity

Introduction: The Essence of the Eleventh Tradition

The Eleventh Tradition states:

"Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films."

This tradition is about the role of anonymity in attracting people to the group and maintaining its integrity. Let's delve into why this tradition is so crucial for the effectiveness of 12-step programs.

The Power of Attraction Over Promotion

The Eleventh Tradition emphasizes that the group should attract members through its effectiveness rather than promoting itself. This approach ensures that those who come to the group are genuinely interested in recovery and are not influenced by external hype or promises.

A magnet pulling in various symbols like a peace sign, a heart, and a recovery icon, illustrating the group's focus on attracting people through its effectiveness.

Anonymity as a Spiritual Foundation

Anonymity is not just about protecting individuals; it serves as a spiritual foundation for the group. By maintaining anonymity, especially in public forums, the group fosters an environment of trust and equality, where everyone can focus on their recovery journey.

How Anonymity Affects Public Relations

The Eleventh Tradition has a significant impact on how 12-step groups interact with the media and the public. By maintaining anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films, the group ensures that the focus remains on its primary purpose rather than on individual members.

A microphone, a camera, and a newspaper, all with a "no entry" sign over them, symbolizing the group's policy of maintaining anonymity in public relations.

The Role of Individual Members

Individual members play a crucial role in upholding the Eleventh Tradition. By respecting the anonymity of others and themselves, especially in public settings, they contribute to the group's integrity and effectiveness.

The Eleventh Tradition in Different 12-Step Fellowships

The essence of the Eleventh Tradition is consistent across various 12-step fellowships. This consistency highlights its universal importance in maintaining the group's anonymity, trust, and focus on recovery.

Real-Life Stories: The Eleventh Tradition in Action

To understand the real-world impact of the Eleventh Tradition, let's look at some stories:

Story 1:
John, a member of an AA group, was approached by a local newspaper for an interview about his recovery journey. Remembering the Eleventh Tradition, he declined to be identified, ensuring that the focus stayed on the group's primary purpose.

Story 2:
Emily, a member of a Narcotics Anonymous group, was tempted to post her recovery milestone on social media. After considering the Eleventh Tradition, she chose to celebrate it privately within her group instead.


The Eleventh Tradition serves as a guiding principle for maintaining the anonymity and integrity of 12-step groups. By focusing on attraction rather than promotion and respecting anonymity, especially in public settings, these groups create an environment where genuine recovery can flourish.

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The Tenth Tradition

How 12-Step Groups Maintain Unity by Avoiding Outside Issues

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The Twelfth Tradition

How Anonymity Serves as the Protective Layer in 12-Step Recovery

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