The Tenth Tradition

How 12-Step Groups Maintain Unity by Avoiding Outside Issues

Introduction: The Core of the Tenth Tradition

The Tenth Tradition states:

"Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy."

This tradition is about maintaining the unity and focus of the group by steering clear of outside issues that could create division. Let's unpack why this tradition is so vital for the health and effectiveness of 12-step groups.

The Importance of Neutrality

Neutrality is key when it comes to the Tenth Tradition. By not taking a stance on outside issues, the group ensures that it remains a welcoming space for everyone, regardless of their personal beliefs or opinions.

A round table with diverse hands reaching towards the center, each holding a different symbol like a peace sign, a religious icon, or a political emblem, illustrating the group's neutral stance on outside issues.

Why Avoid Outside Issues?

Outside issues can be divisive and distracting. The Tenth Tradition serves as a reminder that the primary purpose of a 12-step group is to help those struggling with addiction. By avoiding outside controversies, the group can maintain its focus and unity.

How the Tenth Tradition Affects Group Dynamics

The Tenth Tradition plays a significant role in shaping the culture and discussions within a 12-step group. It sets the tone for meetings, ensuring that the conversation stays relevant to the group's primary purpose and doesn't veer off into potentially divisive topics.

A chalkboard with the words "Primary Purpose" written in large letters, surrounded by smaller words like "politics," "religion," and "controversy," all crossed out, emphasizing the group's focus.

The Role of Individual Members

Individual members are the guardians of the Tenth Tradition. By being mindful of the topics they bring up in meetings and steering the conversation back to recovery when it strays, they help maintain the group's unity and focus.

The Tenth Tradition in Different 12-Step Fellowships

The essence of the Tenth Tradition is consistent across various 12-step fellowships. This consistency highlights its universal importance in maintaining a group's unity and focus, regardless of the specific form of addiction it addresses.

Real-Life Stories: The Tenth Tradition in Action

To understand the real-world impact of the Tenth Tradition, let's look at some stories:

Story 1:
In an AA meeting, the conversation started drifting towards a heated political issue. A member gently reminded the group of the Tenth Tradition, steering the discussion back to the topic of recovery.

Story 2:
A member of a Narcotics Anonymous group was passionate about a social issue and wanted to use the group's platform to advocate for it. After revisiting the Tenth Tradition, the member realized that doing so would be against the group's principles.


The Tenth Tradition serves as a safeguard for the unity and focus of 12-step groups. By steering clear of outside issues and controversies, these groups ensure that they remain a safe and welcoming space for all members, dedicated solely to aiding recovery.

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The Ninth Tradition

Balancing Structure and Flexibility in 12-Step Groups

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The Eleventh Tradition

How 12-Step Groups Use Anonymity to Foster Trust and Unity

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