What Is the 7th Tradition in 12 Step Programs?

A Closer Look at How It Differs from the Church Collection Plate

What Is the 7th Tradition?

The 7th Tradition in 12 step programs is about groups being self-supporting, only accepting money from members, not outsiders. People might think of a collection plate at church, but it's different.

How It Differs from Church Collection Plates

Unlike a church collection plate, the 7th Tradition is not about giving to a higher organization or supporting broad missions. It's about paying for the meeting place, coffee, and things that help the group stay together. No outside businesses or government agencies can give money. The group only takes care of itself. It doesn't give to other causes or get mixed up with other things. This keeps the group focused on helping people with addiction.

Why the Difference Matters

his difference matters because it makes sure the group stays independent and true to its goal: helping people recover from addiction. It doesn't want to owe anything to outsiders or get mixed up in other things. The 7th Tradition keeps the group safe, strong, and focused on what's important.

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